Restaurant hygiene – top 3 tips when preparing for a health inspection

Restaurants need to comply with the stringent policies and practices set out by industry governing ...[Read More]

Fascinating flies

Flies are considered a health hazard and one of the worst forms of pests, spreading ...[Read More]

Dirty office equipment: The dirtiest places in your office!

According to research, we spend 57% of our waking time at work, but you might ...[Read More]

Cockroaches – What to do and how to get rid of them

If you have a cockroach problem – don’t panic! We will take you through what to do ...[Read More]

Health Habits of Champions

Last month we spoke about ways to avoid getting the flu this winter, but apart ...[Read More]

5 ways to avoid the flu this winter

It’s that time of year again, the annual flu season, also known as winter. In ...[Read More]

5 quick pest prevention tips for the workplace

Pest prevention is better than pest annihilation? Owning your own business comes with many responsibilities, ...[Read More]

The Best Way To Wash Your Car

Most people send their cars to the car wash because they hate the tedious nature ...[Read More]

Dishwashing The Right Way

Few things are as dreadful as having to wash a pile of dirty dishes. Getting ...[Read More]

Bathroom Cleaning Made Easy

Your bathroom is one of the most important spots in your home. It always needs ...[Read More]

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