Does Your Office Need Hand Sanitiser?

Does Your Office Need Hand Sanitiser | Bidvest Steiner

It is no secret that germs and bacteria are always around us and that we can do all that we can to try get rid of it, but it is never enough. The presence of these germs could really affect the health of your employees in the workplace. It also becomes very unsightly as the dirt builds up and becomes grime all around the office. The reality is that sometimes your employees are not always going to practice the best hygiene and cleaning habits and that causes serious health threats to the rest of the staff.

The Answer, Yes You Need Hand Sanitiser

The plain and simple answer is, yes, you do need hand sanitiser in your workplace. The simple thing is that things do become dirty and it is in the interest of everyone’s health interests. The truth of it is that we come into contact with a range of germs. This could be through handshakes, touching door handles, sharing of phones and so much more. The availability of hand sanitiser is there to help minimise the spread of these germs and keep the workplace more hygienic.

The Average Employee

The bigger your business is, the greater the risk of germs and diseases being spread around to everyone else. It has been said that about 90% of employees will still come to work if they are sick. They might not feel well sick? enough to stay at home, but they are, however, still contagious. This means that anyone else in the office is at risk of contracting that disease. Your clients or your visitors are also possibly bringing in or contacting germs and bacteria.

Where To Keep Your Hand Sanitiser

There are a few points around your office that would really benefit from hand sanitiser. These points will help keep your employees healthy and productive. The first place to keep the sanitiser is by the entrances and exits. It is highly advisable to have accessible hand sanitiser in the lunchroom, the canteen or any break rooms. Another place is in the office common area and in the meeting rooms. This way that you are ensuring that your employees and your office space are at a hygiene level that you can truly trust.

Bidvest Steiner

If you are looking to improve the hygiene within your office be sure to contact Bidvest Steiner. They offer a variety of hand sanitiser stations that are perfect for your office. Be sure to visit their website to see how they can assist you.

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