Category Archives: Blog
Why You Should Deep Clean Your Office Bathrooms
It is no mystery to anyone who shares a bathroom with everyone else at the ...[Read More]
Top 5 Cleanest Cities in Africa
When it comes to hygiene, the perceptions on Africa are less than desirable. This can ...[Read More]
The World’s Worst Pests
Apart from just being unhygienic, annoying and troublesome, pests can be very dangerous, even deadly ...[Read More]
Natural Ways to Manage Indoor-Plant Pests
Do you have green fingers but struggle to keep pests off your plants? While some ...[Read More]
Water Conservation: 3 Changes That Will Make a Big Difference
Water is an unavoidable and crucial resource, the list of uses are endless. So as ...[Read More]
The Best Hygiene Products for Your Office
We all know that cleaning the office well and regularly is vital to keeping everyone ...[Read More]
Pest Proof Your Place of Work
Prevention is better than cure, so it is best to ensure that no pests make ...[Read More]
Pest Prevalence in SA – Part 3
This is the last article from our Pest Prevalence, Pest Series. We give you a ...[Read More]
World Environmental Health Day 2017
In August we looked at the different types of Common Office Bacteria, ways to prevent it ...[Read More]
Pest prevalence in SA – part 2
Last month we launched Part 1 of our Pest Prevalence series, if you haven’t already, take a ...[Read More]