Bed Bug Treatment

    Bed bugs remain hidden during the day preferring cracks and crevices and will come out at night to feed. The bedbug can be found in many areas close to the bed and are mostly found in the folds of your mattress, headboard, side tables, bedframe and in furniture cracks. When dealing with heavy infestation they produce a distinctive sweet odour.

    Bidvest Steiner will monitor bed bug activity, especially in hotel rooms and will always adopt the treatment of the affected room and the rooms on either side, above and below the affected room.

    Signs of a bed bug infestation:

    1. Bites on your skin: Red, itchy bites often appear in clusters or lines. Not everyone reacts to bed bug bites, so the absence of the bites does not rule out an infestation.
    2. Live bed bugs: Bed bugs are small, flat, oval-shaped, and reddish-brown in color. Adults are about the size of an apple seed.
    3. Blood and fecal stains: Small blood spots on your sheets, pillowcases, or mattress can occur if a bed bug is accidentally crushed after feeding. These spots can also be bed bug droppings.
    4. Molted skins: Bed bugs shed their outer exoskeleton as they grow. These translucent shells can accumulate in areas where bed bugs hide.

    Find out more about Bidvest Steiner’s integrated pest management solutions.

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