Winter, as you likely already know, is the season of health complications. Our immune systems are put under pressure in extreme temperatures and to make things worse, most places (particularly workplaces where many people gather) have a tendency to suffer lowered indoor air quality due to heaters and air conditioners, which can potentially create the ideal environment for bacteria to spread.
For those working in factory, industrial or agricultural environments, the need for proper hygiene is further intensified by the nature of their industry.
Because of this, workplaces often need to enact more stringent hygiene solutions in the wintertime, to ensure the protection of employees, guests and clients.
Disinfect Common Areas Regularly
The areas in your office that are most frequented by people, such as entrances, reception areas, washrooms and kitchens need to be given additional cleaning care during the winter months when bacteria are rifest.
The surfaces of these types of areas are often the most contaminated in the office, particularly when they get a lot of foot traffic each day, or when they are the staging area for industrial tasks.
This also applies to workstations, which are used very regularly, and therefore take on substantial concentrations of bacteria. Encourage employees to practice good personal and workstation hygiene, and make sure that you have the right equipment around the office or workplace to let them do that.
Clear the Air
Closing all of those office windows to keep the cold air out comes with a downside, it keeps bacteria and impurities in. Stuffy rooms in winter are often all but avoidable, but that does not mean that they need to be loaded with bacterium.
Regular Washroom Deep Cleaning is Important
Even with your best cleaning efforts, you will not manage a perfectly hygienic office washroom without specialised, deep cleaning services. Deep cleans are designed to optimally clean your office washroom thoroughly and effectively. These need to happen regularly in order to get the best results. This is often a time consuming task and because of this, it is always worth your time to have a professional cleaning and hygiene company handle it for you.
Contact Bidvest Steiner for Office Hygiene Solutions
If you would like your winter office hygiene efforts handled by a trusted hygiene company, be sure to get into contact with a representative from Bidvest Steiner today, or visit our website for details.