Hand Hygiene is Your Responsibility

In a bid to improve hand hygiene around the world, and combatting sepsis, we aim to spread awareness to everyone about the importance of enacting proper hand-hygiene as part of a regular routine.

Let’s explore some of the reasons why hand hygiene is essential for maintaining a good quality of life and creating a cleaner world for everyone:

Your Hands are a Vessel for Germs

You come into contact with a plethora of germs and bacteria on a daily basis, and in most cases you take them on when touching surfaces or objects with your hands.

There they will lie in wait for you to touch your eyes, ears, mouth and nose and settle-down therein and cause infections. So keep your hands clean to keep yourself healthy.

Contaminating Food

Wherever food preparation is conducted, proper hand hygiene is always important. This is because food can become contaminated either when being eaten, or when it is touched during preparation.

Any bacteria present on the hands is transferred to food, and when this happens, it puts the person eating it at risk of getting ill.

So be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before preparing or eating food.

Endangering Others

You also have a responsibility to others when it comes to washing your hands, since any bacteria present on your hands will be passed on to the surfaces you touch, if they are not properly cleaned.

This is particularly important in office and working spaces where numerous people occupy the same space. To ensure that you don’t pass any germs on to others, make sure to wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or alternatively ensure that you have hand sanitiser dispensers in the office or a bottle on your desk.

Get the Ideal Cleaning Solution

Do your part every day by ensuring that your hygiene is taken care of at your place of work. Contact

a representative from Bidvest Steiner today, or visit our website to learn more.

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