What Is COVID-19?
The coronavirus forms part of a large family of viruses which cause issues with health, such as the common cold, as well as leading to illnesses which can affect the body in a much more dangerous way.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS, is an illness which can come about through the contraction of COVID-19 and for some, this can be fatal.
Having said this, the amount of deaths due to the coronavirus is relatively low, with individuals who have weaker immune systems, diabetes and those over the age of 40, at a higher risk.
However, when following the correct washroom hygiene solutions, and general hygiene measures, you will be able to ensure that you do not contract the coronavirus.
How Do You Get It?
Coughing and sneezing are two ways in which individuals are able to spread the coronavirus, where those who are not infected can breathe in the air containing the fluids, contracting the virus.
On top of this, frequently touching your eyes, nose and mouth increases the chance of infection. This is especially a risk if you are an individual who does not wash your hands.
Where many may argue that they cannot wash their hands all the time, hand sanitisers offer an alternative and can be used in the time being, as a preventative measure, where you will be able to wash your hands at a later date.
The Symptoms
If you have a fever, cough and shortness of breath, be sure to contact medical professionals in order to get tests done, which will confirm or deny that you have the virus.
Bidvest Steiner recommends that you get into contact with your doctor, prior to making the appointment and ensure that you state that you may have the virus, as this is the responsible thing to do. What this does is allow them to take the proper precautions so that others in their office can’t get infected.
If you believe that you have the coronavirus, feel free to contact the National Coronavirus Hotline: 0800 029 999
How To Avoid Getting COVID-19
The first thing you can do to avoid getting the virus is to stop going to public areas, this includes gatherings of 100 people plus, as this increases the chance of getting the illness.
On top of this, those who are mildly ill or are suspected or confirmed cases of having the COVID-19 should stay at home, as self-quarantine is a measurement which is considerate to others, and will decrease the spread of the virus itself.
Another tip is to avoid public transportation as these are spaces which can be contaminated quite easily, and have a lot of people in the same vicinity for long periods of time.
When coughing or sneezing, be sure to do so in the crevice of your elbow or tissue as this decreases the chance of contaminating someone else.
Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth in any circumstances and be sure to limit physical contact with people, including family, friends and coworkers. A smile and a wave can be used to greet people. Finally, when having to go out into public spaces, be sure to carry around a hand sanitiser which will decrease the contamination on your hands.
The Myths About COVID-19
Where it was believed that the coronavirus is not found in climates which are hot and humid, the fact is that the virus can be found in hot, humid and cold climates. It can spread through all regions across the world.
The myth that COVID-19 can be transmitted through mosquito bites is false, where in fact the only way to be contaminated and get the virus is through fluids, such as out of the mouth and nose of an infected person.
Antibiotics will not work against this virus or any other virus. Antibiotics are used to kill the bacteria within the infected individuals and not the virus itself. On top of this, there is no cure or vaccine at the current date of this article which can prevent or treat the virus.
The best thing for you to do is to ensure that you understand that washroom hygiene is important, and that general everyday hygiene measurements need to be taken in order to decrease your chances of contracting the coronavirus.
Contact Bidvest Steiner For More Information
If you would like to get your office involved with high-quality washroom hygiene solutions, contact Bidvest Steiner for more information on how you can get your hands on the right consumables for your home and office.