Essential Feminine Hygiene Equipment For Your Workplace

Women working in an office environment

A great office culture goes beyond just making sure that the entire team has what they want. On the contrary, great teams have their needs met first. This does not just relate to the work they do at their desks, stations or cubicles. It also involves making sure that from a sanitation and hygiene perspective, everyone (and everything) has been considered. Feminine hygiene equipment is one such consideration that should always be a part of the conversation. Having the right kind of equipment, along with sharing open dialogue about the needs of the women in the office, can be a great way to build a culture of trust between management and their employees. 

Feminine Hygiene Equipment: The Basics

The phrase “feminine hygiene equipment” often comes loaded with a lot of questions, so we’ll simplify it for you right here. In this context, the term refers to equipment that can be used to help make the disposal of personal care products used during menstruation a little more convenient, comfortable and discreet if need be. These are also referred to as menstrual hygiene products, albeit that they often refer to specific products related to menstruation, including sanitary pads, tampons and more. 

An All-Encompassing System

An all-in-one sanitary waste collection and disposal system is a must-have for each cubicle in the women’s bathrooms at your office. This is the best way to collect and store waste hygienically, offering your employee a hassle-free solution every time. A She Bin, She Packet Dispenser or Dual Wipe Dispenser each offers a way to make the process as simple as possible. There are a variety of She Bins on the market, some of which even incorporate touch-free technology. With a little bit of research, finding a viable (and affordable) solution for your office should be a relatively straightforward process. 

Asking Your Workforce What They Need

If you’ve never had to buy feminine hygiene equipment before, it’s worth exploring direct communication with your team, in order to find out exactly what their needs are. The last thing you want is to make a bulk purchase, only to find out that there is a more useful product on the market relative to the needs of your employees. Talk to your HR manager about the best way to approach this, as the last thing you want to do is to put people on the spot during a team meeting. Do it with care, show that you want to help the women in the office feel as comfortable as possible, and then start thinking about a couple of quotes to help you get there.

A One-Stop Shop For All Things Hygiene

If you need some extra advice on the type of equipment you should be looking at, the team at Bidvest Steiner will also be able to help. Almost two thousand people engage with the brand directly on Facebook, and judging by their recent post about client’s day, it’s clear that they care about the companies they work with. From hygiene to consumables, to deep cleaning and even pest control, they specialise in a wide range of areas, and because they offer a no-obligation assessment, you’re open to asking them anything about the types of products that your business might need now, or in the future. 

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