If you have a cockroach problem – don’t panic! We will take you through what to do and more importantly, how to get rid of them.
What is a cockroach?
Cockroaches are defined as insects of the Blattodea order. There are currently 4,600 known species of cockroaches. Out of those, 30 species are associated with human habitats, and out of those, only 4 species are considered pests.
Cockroaches are seen as the world’s worst pests, carrying and spreading disease while being virtually impossible to get rid of.
Not surprising, as they have been around for 320 million years and can withstand extreme conditions such as tropical heat and arctic cold. It’s been documented that they can also withstand exposure to radiation. That in itself is incredibly disturbing and shows just how hardy these little pests can be.
Why they are a problem
Cockroaches were designed as nature’s waste disposals. They feed on human food and waste and sometimes leave an offensive odor. They can passively transport pathogenic microbes on their body surfaces. Cockroaches are also linked with allergic reactions and asthma in humans.
The most common places to find them are:
- In kitchens
- Around dustbins
- In bathrooms
- Sewers
- Basements
Basically anywhere there is decaying organic matter that is warm, humid and dark, which they particularly like.
Avoid cockroach infestations – good housekeeping rules
Avoiding an outbreak can be tricky, but there a few methods to try which can assist in keeping the creepy crawlies at bay, such as:
- Make sure the office space is extremely clean and decluttered – disinfect all surfaces with bleach and water
- All dishes are properly washed and packed away
- Empty and sanitise your dustbins regularly
- Ensure there are no food scraps or crumbs in the kitchen or on desks
- Make sure the bathrooms are squeaky clean and taps are closed properly
- Seal all cracks and crevices that they could be coming in through
Over and above these tips, you can also try making a home-made DIY “cockroach disinfectant”. Simply use a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle to clean under sinks, desks, office chairs, in the kitchen, around water heaters, and inside appliances.
An important point to remember is that cockroaches reproduce very quickly. For everyone you see there can be many, many more hiding and multiplying in your office. So if you spot even one, it’s time to take action.
Help! I still have cockroaches!
Cockroaches may be difficult to get rid of, but with the right knowledge, pesticides and follow ups, it’s not impossible.
That being said, if you spot any cockroaches in your office and need assistance getting rid of them, then we highly recommend that you contact us today and we will determine the best solution to your roach problem, using the highest quality and safest possible chemicals.